#!/usr/local/bin/perl $ControlAddress = "listproc\@lists.acusd.edu"; $Testing = "Off"; $MaxDisplay = 4; $SearchPage = $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}; $TitleAlign = "center"; #if you need to specify a "base" directory for your 'ListBase's $HTMLBase = ""; #Send the HTTP Headers print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; #Get the form data read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); #Get the values for each form item @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer); #Get any URL data if ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}) { @pairs = (split(/&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}),@pairs); } #Get any command-line data if (@ARGV) { @pairs = (@ARGV,@pairs); } foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair); #De-Htmlify %symbols and spaces $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; if ($name =~ /owner/i) { $Owner = $value; } elsif ($name =~ /OwnerName/i) { $OwnerName = $value; } elsif ($name =~ /HomePage/i) { $HomePage = $value; } elsif ($name =~ /SearchPage/i) { $SearchPage = $value; } elsif ($name =~ /ListBase/i) { if ($value =~ /\/$/) { chop($value); } if ($value =~ /^(\~[^\/]*)(.*)$/) { $BasePath = glob($1 . ($PublicHTML ne "off" ? "/public_html" : "") . $2); } else { $BasePath = glob($value); } print "Setting Base path to $BasePath
\n" if &Testing; @ListBases[$#ListBases+1] = $BasePath; $URLs{$BasePath} = $value; } elsif ($name =~ /ListAddress/i) { $ListAddress = $value; if ($value =~ /^([^@]*)@.*$/) { $ListName = uc($1) if ! $ListName; } } elsif ($name =~ /ListName/i) { $ListName = $value; } elsif ($name =~ /ListDescription/i) { $ListDescription = $value; } elsif ($name =~ /ControlAddress/i) { $ControlAddress = $value; } elsif ($name =~ /MaxDisplay/i) { $MaxDisplay = $value; } elsif ($name =~ /Term/i) { $SearchTerm = $value; } elsif ($name =~ /TitleAlignment/i) { $TitleAlign = $value; } elsif ($name =~ /publichtml/i) { $PublicHTML=$value; } elsif ($name =~ /Testing/i) { $Testing = $value; } else { $FORM{$name} = $value; } #While testing, print the value of the variables as we get them. print "Setting $name to $value
\n" if &Testing; } #Send the HTML Headers print ""; print "" . ($ListName ? $ListName : "Mailing List") . " Search Results"; print "\n"; #Send the HTML Body print "\n"; print "


\n" if $ListName; print "


\n" if $ListDescription; print "

Search Results

\n"; #Make sure that the important entries are there &blank_entry("mailing list folder to search") unless @ListBases; &blank_entry("word to search for") unless $SearchTerm; study $SearchTerm; #Send the results to the reader foreach $ListBase (@ListBases) { chdir $HTMLBase . $ListBase; print "Searching $ListBase
\n" if &Testing; #get the directory listing opendir THEDIR,"."; @FileListing = readdir(THEDIR); closedir THEDIR; foreach $THEFILE (@FileListing) { next if $THEFILE !~ /^msg.*\.html$/; print "Looking in file $THEFILE
\n" if &Testing; open THEFILE; while () { last if /\<\!--X-MsgBody--\>/; if (/\(.*)\<\/TITLE\>/i) { $Subject = $1;} if (/\/i) { $Poster = $1;} } @Lines = grep(/$SearchTerm/i,); $HitCount = $#Lines +1; close THEFILE; if ($HitCount) { @Lines = &StripHTML(@Lines); $HitList{$THEFILE} = $HitCount; $PosterList{$THEFILE} = $Poster; $SubjectList{$THEFILE} = $Subject; $Max = $MaxDisplay < $#Lines ? $MaxDisplay-1 : $#Lines; $LineList{$THEFILE} = join("",@Lines[0..$Max]); } undef $HitCount; undef $Poster; undef $Subject; undef @Lines; } @TheHits = sort Compare_Hit_Count keys(%HitList); if ($#TheHits >= 0) { $HitCount = $#TheHits+1; print "We found $HitCount post", $HitCount > 1 ? "s" : ""; print " in ", ($ListAddress ? "$ListName" : $ListName) if $ListName; print " matching $SearchTerm.

    \n"; foreach $TheHit (@TheHits) { print "
  1. $SubjectList{$TheHit}"; print "
    • $HitList{$TheHit} mention", $HitList{$TheHit} > 1 ? "s" : "", " in the text, by $PosterList{$TheHit}
    \n"; print "
    \n"; } print "
\n"; } else { print "No matches for $SearchTerm in $ListAddress.\n"; } undef %HitList; undef %PosterList; undef %SubjectList; undef %LineList; undef @TheHits; undef $HitCount; } #Send the End &send_end; #Additional subroutines sub blank_entry { print "

You forgot something truly important!

"; print "\nYou forgot to enter your @_. Please go back and try again.\n"; &send_end; exit; } sub send_end { print "
"; print "If you have further comments, please contact ", $OwnerName ? $OwnerName : $Owner, "." if $Owner; print "
"; print ""; } sub Compare_Hit_Count { $HitList{$b} <=> $HitList{$a}; } sub StripHTML { for (@_) { $_ =~ s/<[^>]*>//g; } return @_; } sub Testing { return ($Testing =~ /On/i); }