Installing Majordomo

Before you install majordomo you'll need the following:
root access, perl, sendmail, gcc or some other version of cc
and you'll want to know the complete paths to perl/sendmail/gcc.

[T1-user_#]$ which sendmail
[T1-user_#]$ which perl
[T1-user_#]$ which gcc

You'll also want to know where to find the majordomo source files and your file:


Standard tools and commands that we'll be using include:
adduser, gunzip, tar, newaliases, chmod & chgrp, mkdir & touch.
You can get directions for using each of these commands under FreeBSD by typing:
man (i.e "man newaliases" will bring up the emacs manual page))

We'll also be editing several long files (you can use pico, emac, or vi) and testing lists using the pine email program.

Tasks for root

Tasks for majordom

lucy elizabeth lynch
Last modified: Fri May 5 03:00:12 PDT 2000