SNMP exercises, part I ====================== Note: many of the commands in this exercise do not have to be run as root, but it is safe to run them all as root. So it's simpler if you start a root shell and enter them all there. You can start a root shell on your pc like this: $ sudo bash 1. Getting packages: -------------------- # apt-get install snmp snmpd # adds both tools and agent 2. Testing SNMP --------------- To control that your SNMP installation works, run the snmpstatus command on each of the following devices $ snmpstatus -c 'NetManage' -v2c IP_ADDRESS Where IP_ADDRESS is the following list: * The NOC server: * Classroom routers: 10.10.1-8.254 --- these will not work yet * The access points: 10.10.0.(244,245) 3. SNMP Walk and OIDs --------------------- Now, you are going to use the 'snmpwalk' command, part of the SNMP toolkit, to list the tables associated with the OIDs listed below, on each piece of equipment you tried above: . . . . . You will try this with two forms of the 'snmpwalk' command: $ snmpwalk -c 'NetManage' -v2c IP_ADDRESS OID and $ snmpwalk -On -c 'NetManage' -v2c IP_ADDRESS OID ... where OID is one of the OIDs listed above: .1.3.6... Note: the "-On" option turns on numerical output, i.e.: no translation of the OID <-> MIB object takes place. For these OIDs: a) Do all the devices answer ? b) Do you notice anything important about the OID on the output ? 4. Configuration of snmp on your Cisco router --------------------------------------------- Connect to your virtual Cisco router: # ssh 10.10.X.254 # where X is 1-26 Default login: "cisco", password "cisco", enable secret "cisco" Configure it to enable SNMP: enable conf t snmp-server community NetManage ro 99 access-list 99 permit access-list 99 permit exit wr mem exit # until you get back to your PC Now back on your PC, test using the OIDs from section 3 above. $ snmpwalk -c 'NetManage' -v2c 10.10.X.254 What happens if you try using the wrong community string (i.e. change 'NetManage' to something else?) 5. Configuration of snmpd on your PC ------------------------------------- * Edit the following file: # vi /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf Comment this line (ADD '#' in front): com2sec paranoid default public ... so that it becomes: #com2sec paranoid default public And UNcomment the line (REMOVE the '#' in front) and change community: #com2sec readonly default public ... so that it becomes: com2sec readonly default NetManage * Edit the file /etc/default/snmpd, and find the line: SNMPDOPTS='-Lsd -Lf /dev/null -u snmp -I -smux -p /var/run/' Remove at the end, so you have: SNMPDOPTS='-Lsd -Lf /dev/null -u snmp -I -smux -p /var/run/' * Restart snmpd # /etc/init.d/snmpd stop # /etc/init.d/snmpd start 6. Check that snmpd is working: ------------------------------- $ snmpstatus -c NetManage -v2c localhost What do you observe ? 7. Test your neighbors ---------------------- Check now that you can run snmpstatus against some of your neighbor's servers: $ snmpstatus -c NetManage -v2c 10.10.X.Y # X = group (1-6 # Y = PC (1-39) Check the Diagram: for the listing of all cps at the bottom 8. Adding MIBs -------------- Remember when you ran: $ snmpwalk -c NetManage -v2c 10.10.x.254 . If you noticed, the SNMP client (snmpwalk) couldn't interpret all the OIDs coming back from the Agent: SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. = STRING: "chassis" SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. = INTEGER: 1 What is '' ? To be able to interpret this information, we need to download extra MIBs: * You will download the following files to your machine: CISCO MIBS: However we have a local mirror on which will be much faster (especially for the large HP mib bundle) # apt-get install wget # cd /usr/share/snmp/mibs # wget # wget * Create the file /etc/snmp/snmp.conf with your favorite editor (vi), and put into it: mibdirs /usr/share/snmp/mibs mibs ALL This tells the snmp* commands that they should load ALL mibs in the mibdirs /usr/share/snmp/mibs * Save the file, quit. Now, try again: $ snmpwalk -c 'NetManage' -v2c 10.10.x.254 . What do you notice ? 9. SNMPwalk - the rest of MIB-II -------------------------------- Try and run snmpwalk on any hosts (routers, switches, machines) you have not tried yet, in the 10.10.0.X network Note the kind of information you can obtain. $ snmpwalk -c NetManage -v2c 10.10.0.X ifDescr $ snmpwalk -c NetManage -v2c 10.10.0.X ifTable $ snmpwalk -c NetManage -v2c 10.10.0.X ifAlias $ snmpwalk -c NetManage -v2c 10.10.0.X ifOperStatus $ snmpwalk -c NetManage -v2c 10.10.0.X ifAdminStatus $ snmpwalk -c NetManage -v2c 10.10.0.X if Can you explain the difference between ifOperStatus and ifAdminStatus ? Can you imagine a scenario where this could be useful ? 10. More MIB-OID fun -------------------- * Use the OIDs from the beginning of this exercise set, and examine: a) the running processes on your neighbor's server (hrSWRun) b) the amount of free diskspace on your neighbor's server (hrStorage) c) the interfaces on your neighbor's server (ifIndex, ifDescr) Can you use short names to walk these OID tables ? * Experiment with the "snmptranslate" command, example: $ snmptranslate . * Try with various OIDs