Ticket System Setup Notes 1) Download WebTTS from http://www.gashalot.com/software/webtts/download.php 2) Confirm that the prerequisites are in place: - Perl 5.004 or higher * - DBI 1.12 or higher * - DBD 1.20 or higher (MySQL Driver) * - Mail::Sendmail 0.77 or higher (only if you want to send eMails) * (http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/Mail/Mail-Sendmail-0.77.tar.gz) - DB_File (only to import any older pre-3.0 databases) * Tip: Use CPAN to install the above i.e. #perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan> install DBI or cpan> install DBD or cpan> install Mail::Sendmail or cpan> install DB_File - MySQL Database Server (www.mysql.com, tested with 3.22.xx) (http://www.mysql.org/downloads/index.html) 3) Unpack the downloaded file(s) 4) Copy the tts.pl, tts-*.pl and cgi-lib.pl scripts to a directory that is publicly accessible and has permission to run CGI programs. 5) Give all the files a+rx permissions (0555 for you numerical permission people) that you have just placed in the public CGI directory. 6) Edit all of the variables in the USER EDIT section of tts-inc.pl . You must create a user in your MySQL system that has the following permissions: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE for the $dbname database. Use your root or admin MySQL account for the install scripts ONLY, as this is a major security hole if you use them for all WebTTS operations. CREATE the $dbname database by hand using the MySQL client tools, check your docs on how to do this Tip: (as root) #mysqladmin create webtts Check your MySQL docs if you get lost anywhere. 7) ALL INSTALL/IMPORT SCRIPTS ARE IN THE install-scripts DIRECTORY DO NOT COPY THIS DIRECTORY TO A PUBLICALLY-ACCESSIBLE DIRECTORY, OTHERWISE YOU MAY MUCK SOMETHING UP, IF THIS DIR IS A PUBLICALLY ACCESSABLE DIRECTORY PLEASE EXECUTE rm -rf ./install-scripts AFTER YOU ARE DONE INSTALLING. Run tts-install.pl to create the tables, and add the "admin" user with password "admintts". Also make sure that you change the ownership of the tts-inc.pl file to the user that the webserver runs as and remove group and world read/write access to it so your SQL login information stays secure. 8) Access the tts.pl file you have installed through your favorite WWW browser. You will be prompted with a login screen, enter "admin" for the login name and "admintts" for the password (this is if you have done a fresh install, otherwise you just use whatever logins you had in 2.5 or 2.1 and continue to use WebTTS like normal). I suggest going DIRECTLY to the User Management area and adding a new user for yourself (make sure you have admin rights, or you can't access the user management stuff!), then deleting the admin user. If you are upgrading all of your old settings have been retained, so you can just keep on using the system the same way you always have. That's it! Nothing more to do!