,----------------------------------------------. | AfNOG 2008 - SI-E - Friday - RANCID Exercise | `----------------------------------------------' My cisco router's address is: ... 196.200.220. ............ (R.R.R.R) The username to log into the router is: ...................... (USERNAME) The password to log into the router is: ...................... (PASSWORD) The enable password for the router is: ....................... (ENABLE) 1. CHECK RANCID IS INSTALLED pkg_info | grep rancid If you don't see something like the following: rancid-2.3.1_3 Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ then you need to install rancid. On FreeBSD the easiest way is to install from ports. As root: # cd /usr/ports/net-mgmt/rancid # make install clean 2. DO SOME POST-INSTALL WORK We are going to run rancid as a separate FreeBSD user. Create a new user, as root, like this: # pw groupadd rancid # pw useradd rancid -d /usr/local/var/rancid -g rancid Now make rancid's home directory owned by rancid (the port will have left it owned by root) and make it readable by everybody: # chown -R rancid:rancid /usr/local/var/rancid # chmod -R ugo+rX /usr/local/var/rancid *** NOTICE THE CAPITAL X IN THE LAST LINE! *** *** A small x will have side-effects. You *** *** want a CAPITAL X! *** 3. EDIT RANCID'S CONFIGURATION FILE Copy the example configuration file so that you can edit it. As root: # cd /usr/local/etc/rancid # cp rancid.conf.sample rancid.conf Edit the file /usr/local/etc/rancid/rancid.conf as root. Find the line which starts with "umask 027", and change it to read umask 022 Find the line that starts with "#LIST_OF_GROUPS=" and insert a new line at around the same part of the file which reads LIST_OF_GROUPS="afnog2008" Leave the rest of the file alone. Save the file. 4. ADD MAIL ALIASES Rancid likes to send mail to people. To make sure it sends mail to the right place, we need to edit the aliases file. As root, edit the file /etc/mail/aliases and add the following lines at the bottom: rancid-afnog2008: rancid-admin-afnog2008: Put a real e-mail address instead of "". If you don't have an e-mail address, or don't have a way of reading mail whilst in the class, you can just use "root". Once you have finished editing the aliases file, run the following command as root: # newaliases 5. CREATE RANCID'S CVS REPOSITORY As root, become the rancid user, using su: # su - rancid Now that you are the rancid user, create the CVS repository by running the following command: $ rancid-cvs 6. GIVE RANCID LOGIN INFORMATION FOR YOUR ROUTER Still as the rancid user, create a file called ".cloginrc" in rancid's home directory (/usr/local/var/rancid). Add the following lines: add user R.R.R.R USERNAME add password R.R.R.R PASWORD ENABLE add method R.R.R.R {ssh} {telnet} Use the addresses, usernames and passwords you wrote at the top of this exercise sheet to replace R.R.R.R, USERNAME, PASSWORD and ENABLE. Since the .clogin file contains passwords, we don't want everybody to see it. Type the following: $ chmod 400 .cloginrc You can test whether your .cloginrc is correct by using the clogin command to log into your router: $ /usr/local/libexec/rancid/clogin R.R.R.R This should log into your router and leave you with enable. If it doesn't, something is wrong. Find out what the problem is, and fix it! 7. ADD YOUR ROUTER TO THE "afnog2008" GROUP Still as the rancid user, edit the file "afnog2008/router.db" and add the following line: R.R.R.R:cisco:up: <------ replace R.R.R.R with the address 8. TEST RANCID Still as the rancid user, run the following command: $ rancid-run This may take a minute to finish. You will find logs describing what happened in the "logs" directory. Make sure everything in there looks good. Once rancid-run has finished, you should find a configuration file in afnog2008/configs/ -- look for it, and see what it is in the file. If the file is empty, there is a problem. 9. TELL RANCID TO COLLECT INFORMATION EVERY HOUR Still as the rancid user, add two crontab entries, as recommended in the rancid documentation. Type the following command: $ crontab -e Enter the following lines in the editor, then exit with save: # run config differ hourly 1 * * * * /usr/local/bin/rancid-run # clean out config differ logs 50 23 * * * /usr/bin/find /usr/local/var/rancid/logs -type f -mtime +2 -exec rm {} \; RANCID should now try to contact your router every hour.