=====MAIL FILTER - Part 3======= =========================== 1. Setup MailWatch ================== Copy preconfigured files for Mailwatch from the instructor’s server. The only changes made to these files was to add the MySQL username and password to allow MailWatch to connect to the database. $sudo scp afnog@pc39.sse.ws.afnog.org:/home/afnog/*.pm /usr/share/MailScanner/MailScanner/CustomFunctions/ Download MailWatch - MailScanner Frontend $cd /home/afnog/ $wget $unzip 1.2.0-mailwatch.zip $cd 1.2.0-master $sudo mv mailscanner /var/www Setup MailWatch conf.php (copy preconfigured). The changes here were to include the MySQL credentials for MailWatch and also to set the home directory: [[define('MAILWATCH_HOME', '/var/www/mailscanner');]] $sudo scp afnog@pc39.sse.ws.afnog.org:/home/afnog/conf.php /var/www/mailscanner/ Setup MailWatch web page for Apache: $sudo sh -c 'echo "Alias /mailwatch /var/www/mailscanner" > /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/mailwatch.conf’ 2. Continue MailScanner setup ============================= You will need the following CPAN module $sudo cpan install Encoding::FixLatin Enable MailScanner $sudo nano /etc/default/mailscanner ##Uncomment the following line: run_mailscanner=1 Save and Exit the file Copy preconfigured MailScanner.conf file. A number of changes made, please go through it. $sudo mv /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf.backup $sudo scp afnog@pc39.sse.ws.afnog.org:/home/afnog/MailScanner.conf /etc/MailScanner/ Prepare MailScanner directories (they may already exist) $sudo mkdir /var/spool/MailScanner/spamassassin && sudo chown postfix:postfix /var/spool/MailScanner/spamassassin $sudo chown postfix:www-data /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming $sudo chown postfix:www-data /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine 3. Get clamav updates (they take a long time and we will use a local copy) ======================================================================== Clamav will automatically attempt to obtain fresh antivirus signatures from the Internet via freshclam after installation. This will take too long for us so please use pre-downloaded signatures for the class. (No need to do this on a real server) $sudo service clamav-daemon stop $sudo killall -9 freshclam $sudo scp afnog@pc39.sse.ws.afnog.org:/var/lib/clamav/* /var/lib/clamav/ $sudo service clamav-daemon start 4. Setup Postfix and SpamAssassin ================================ Enable SpamAssassin $sudo nano /etc/default/spamassassin ##Uncomment the following line: ENABLED=1 Save and Exit. Configure Postfix to hold mail first. Effectivly a mail arrives and is put into a hold queue then mailscanner scans the mail for spam or virus content then it is released: $sudo nano /etc/postfix/header_checks ###Add the following /^Received:/ HOLD Save and Exit Configure the main.cf file to read the file created above. $sudo nano /etc/postfix/main.cf ###Add the following header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks Save and Exit 5. Setup Mailwatch ================== Set up MailwWatch $cd /home/afnog/1.2.0-master Setup the database. The password is afnog $mysql –u root –p < create.sql
 THEN Setup the mailscanner database, where it will store details on incoming emails $mysql –u root –p You should get the MySQL shell. mysql> Add the following exactly as it is IN ONE LINE: GRANT ALL ON mailscanner.* TO mailwatch@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'afnog'; GRANT FILE ON *.* TO mailwatch@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'afnog'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; exit THEN Login as the Mailwatch user using the credentials used in the Mysql entry above. We will set the username and password to be used to login to the MailWatch web interface. Typically this should be a strong alphanumeric password or passphrase. We will use afnog for this class however: $mysql mailscanner -u mailwatch –p INSERT INTO users SET username = ‘mailwatch’, password = MD5(‘afnog’), fullname = ’mailadmin’, type = ‘A’; exit Finally, set the rights to the images directory $sudo chown -R root:www-data /var/www/mailscanner/images/ $sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www/mailscanner/images/ 6. ALWAYS CHECK LOGS ======================= You should also run the SpamAssassin check. Look for errors and fix (if any). It may require you to run sa-update in order to fix the errors. $sudo spamassassin -D --lint You should get similar output at the very end. dbg: check: subtests=__BODY_TEXT_LINE,__EMPTY_BODY,__GATED_THROUGH_RCVD_REMOVER,__HAS_FROM,__HAS_MESSAGE_ID,__HAS_MSGID,__HAS_SUBJECT,__KHOP_NO_FULL_NAME,__MISSING_REF,__MISSING_REPLY,__MSGID_OK_DIGITS,__MSGID_OK_HOST,__MSOE_MID_WRONG_CASE,__NONEMPTY_BODY,__NOT_SPOOFED,__SANE_MSGID,__TO_NO_ARROWS_R,__UNUSABLE_MSGID May 29 12:14:46.384 [12173] dbg: timing: total 1061 ms - init: 798 (75.2%), parse: 0.55 (0.1%), extract_message_metadata: 1.14 (0.1%), get_uri_detail_list: 0.58 (0.1%), tests_pri_-1000: 5 (0.5%), compile_gen: 117 (11.0%), compile_eval: 16 (1.5%), tests_pri_-950: 3.7 (0.4%), tests_pri_-900: 4.0 (0.4%), tests_pri_-400: 3.5 (0.3%), tests_pri_0: 197 (18.5%), tests_pri_500: 45 (4.3%) You should make sure that MailScanner is working properly and can communicate with ClamAV and SpamAssassin. Do not run the following command from the root director (/root) as it will produce errors $sudo MailScanner --lint --debug You should see something like this: Checking for SpamAssassin errors (if you use it)... Using SpamAssassin results cache Connected to SpamAssassin cache database AND Filename Checks: Windows/DOS Executable (1 eicar.com) Other Checks: Found 1 problems Virus and Content Scanning: Starting ./1/eicar.com: Eicar-Test-Signature FOUND Virus Scanning: ClamAV found 2 infections Infected message 1 came from Virus Scanning: Found 2 viruses =========================================================================== Virus Scanner test reports: ClamAV said "eicar.com contains Eicar-Test-Signature" 6. START everything ==================== If all is well then restart everything: $sudo service postfix restart && sudo service apache2 restart && sudo service mailscanner restart And check the log $sudo tail -f /var/log/mail.log You should get similar output: May 29 12:19:15 pc39 MailScanner[12825]: MailScanner E-Mail Virus Scanner version 4.85.2 starting... May 29 12:19:15 pc39 MailScanner[12825]: Reading configuration file /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf May 29 12:19:15 pc39 MailScanner[12825]: Reading configuration file /etc/MailScanner/conf.d/README May 29 12:19:15 pc39 MailScanner[12825]: Read 868 hostnames from the phishing whitelist May 29 12:19:15 pc39 MailScanner[12825]: Read 5807 hostnames from the phishing blacklists May 29 12:19:15 pc39 MailScanner[12825]: Config: calling custom init function SQLBlacklist May 29 12:19:15 pc39 MailScanner[12825]: Starting up SQL Blacklist May 29 12:19:15 pc39 MailScanner[12825]: Read 0 blacklist entries May 29 12:19:15 pc39 MailScanner[12825]: Config: calling custom init function SQLWhitelist May 29 12:19:15 pc39 MailScanner[12825]: Starting up SQL Whitelist Test that port 25 is open and that Postfix is listening $sudo telnet localhost 25 afnog@pc39:/etc/spamassassin$ sudo telnet localhost 25 Trying ::1... Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. 220 pc39.sse.ws.afnog.org ESMTP Postfix (Debian/GNU) Type quit to exit 8. LOGIN TO MAILWATCH ==================== Username is “mailwatch” password is “afnog” Please note that Chrome may not be able to login so try another browser if that is the case. https://pcX.sse.ws.afnog.org/mailwatch PLEASE NOTE: In the real world this page _MUST_ be accessed over HTTPS and as was mentioned earlier, the username should be changed and the password made more difficult to guess.