Introduction to UNIX: basic concepts : UNIX design : Access-rights
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3.5. Access-rights

Files and directories are protected with access-rights. They consist of two categories:

  1. permissions (Read, Write, Execute)
  2. ownership (User, Group, Others)

Below is a sample output of the ls -l command

- rwx r-x r-x   2   root   staff    [...]   filename
|  |   |   |    |    |       |
|  |   |   |    |    |       +-- belongs to group "staff" as well
|  |   |   |    |    |
|  |   |   |    |    +-- belongs to the user "root"
|  |   |   |    |
|  |   |   |    +-- link count (number of name references to this file)
|  |   |   |
|  |   |   +-- permissions for "others" (Read and Execute)
|  |   | 
|  |   +-- permissions for the group (Read and Execute)
|  | 
|  +-- permissions for the owner (user) (Read, Write and Execute)
+-- File type: normal  (d = directory, l = link, p = named pipe, ...)

Additionally, certain extra permissions exist, such as setuid and setgid, which are not explained here.

4 flags for each file:

  1. file type:
  2. Read, Write and eXecute bits for the User (owner of the file)
  3. Read, Write and eXecute bits for the Group
  4. Read, Write and eXecute bits for the Others

To manipulate these access rights, two commands:

The 755 above represents the bit-values of the fields above, i.e.:

4   4   4
 2   2   2    <- values
  1   1   1
rwx r-x r-x   <- permissions

111 101 101   <- bit

 7   5   5    <- decimal

3.5.1. Various example combinations

3.5.2. Special bits Setuid / Setgid The sticky bit

Introduction to UNIX: basic concepts : UNIX design : Access-rights
Previous: Hierarchy
Next: Various example combinations