Introduction to UNIX: basic concepts : UNIX design : Access-rights : Special bits
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3.5.2. Special bits Setuid / Setgid

The 'x' (eXecute) bit for the User and the Group can be made setuid (SET User ID):

  -r-sr-xr-x  1 bob  users    12288 21 May 10:43 program

In the above example:

Other example:

  -r-sr-x---  1 root  wheel    12288 21 May 10:43 program


This makes it possible to restrict commands to a certain group of users.

This above is also true with the setgid (SET Group ID) bit:

  -r-xr-sr-x  1 bin  bin    12288 21 May 10:43 program

In this case: The sticky bit

On a directory, it is possible to set what is called the 'sticky' bit:

  drwxrwxrwt  1 bin  staff      4 21 May 10:43 files/

This means that all users can create files in this directory, but only the owner of these files can modify / delete them. Example: /tmp

Introduction to UNIX: basic concepts : UNIX design : Access-rights : Special bits
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