Introduction to UNIX: basic concepts : UNIX design : Access-rights : Various example combinations
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3.5.1. Various example combinations

---x--x--x 1 bin bin 65322 26 Jun 19:42 makelist

An execute-only program: the user can only run the program, but cannot read the content of the program file.

d-wx-wx-wx 1 bin bin 4 15 Jan 20:54 private

A directory than one can cd to (change directory), but cannot list files, or write files. But if the user knows the name of a "hidden" file, he can access it.

d-w--w--w- 1 bin bin 4 15 Jan 20:54 private

Special case: here it is not possible to even write files in the directory: for this to be possible, the "x" but should be present so that the shell can at least check to see if the file already exists.

Introduction to UNIX: basic concepts : UNIX design : Access-rights : Various example combinations
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